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Strategies for Participation-based Initiatives in REhabilitation

Participation Intervention

We are generating evidence on the effectiveness of interventions to optimize participation by modifying aspects of the environment. Additional benefits resulting from these interventions are being examined in different conditions, contexts, and cultures.

Participation Measures

We are comprehensively enhancing and evaluating self-report tools for capturing participation of transition-aged youth and young adults with disabilities in different settings. This involves postsecondary educational settings and the workplace environment.  

Implementation Science

Through Knowledge Translation (KT) initiatives, we advance participation-based practices in different clinical and global contexts (i.e., schools, rehabilitation centers, private practice) to improve outcomes for children and youth with disabilities.

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The ASPIRE lab aims to advance knowledge and tools to optimize the participation for children, and youth, and young adults with disabilities in different settings: home, school, community and the workplace. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to improved provision of pediatric rehabilitation services and inclusion for all. 


Specifically we aim to: 

  • Develop individual-based youth-engaging ‘real-life’ interventions with a special focus on the environment (physical, social, attitudinal, institutional) as an effective target of intervention

  • Develop and test measures to comprehensively capture participation outcomes

  • Accelerate the uptake of evidence surrounding participation into clinical day-to-day practice


Research Approach

We ASPIRE to generate evidence that is highly applicable to practice by using innovative pragmatic and personalized clinical trials that reflect and account for real-world settings. A patient-oriented approach guides our studies, through building genuine stakeholder-research partnerships, to jointly identify and address knowledge-to-practice gaps. 



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